接受奖励通知书 & 提交文件

Students who are selected for Verification may want the 金融援助 Office to verify their financial aid before making their decision to attend the 网赌上分平台. The 金融援助 Office will verify a student's award offer once all required documentation has been submitted. 收到经核实的奖励通知书, students selected for verification should submit the following documents to the 金融援助 Office:

  1. 接受/拒绝提供的经济援助
  2. Parent's IRS Tax Return Transcript* (if FAFSA requires parent information & if the parent filed a federal tax return for the specified tax year and did not give consent for their federal tax information to be transferred into their FAFSA through the Direct Data Exchange (DDX))
  3. Student's IRS Tax Return Transcript* (if student filed a federal tax return for the specified tax year and did not give consent for their federal tax information to be transferred into their FAFSA through the Direct Data Exchange (DDX))
  4. 完成 & 签名验证工作表
  5. Other documents requested by the 网赌上分平台, except for Entrance Counseling or Master Promissory Notes for your loans
  6. 受供养学生的家长, 以及独立学生和他们的配偶, 如果适用的话, who did not file and were not required to file a federal tax return for the specified tax year, must obtain a Verification of Non-filing letter from the IRS

* To obtain an IRS Tax Return Transcript, visit the 国税局的网站.

注意: Accepted 金融援助 Award Offers do NOT commit the student to attending the 网赌上分平台. If a student decides to not accept their offer of Admission after their financial aid has been verified, the student should inform the 招生办公室 they are not planning to attend the 网赌上分平台. The 金融援助 Office will update their records once the information has been received from the 招生办公室.


联邦直接补贴 & 联邦直接无补贴

Students who accept any Federal loan listed on their 金融援助 Award Offer must:

  1. 完成入学辅导
  2. 签署主本票

The federal government requires students to complete Entrance Counseling so they will know and understand their rights and responsibilities in borrowing a Federal Student Loan. A Master Promissory Note must be signed by the student as their promise to repay the loan.


Students who have the Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans on their 金融援助 Award Offer need only complete one Entrance Counseling session and sign only one Master Promissory Note for those two loan programs.